Analysis Of Masculine And Gender Stereotypes

988 Words2 Pages

Morgan Thoutt
SOC 100
Due: April 11, 2014
Spring 2014
Sex-Stereotyped Traits:
“Boy’s don’t cry” is a phrase that virtually all boys have heard in their lifetime. Masculine and feminine stereotypes are social constructs that are used to form the understanding of what is expected from both genders. Gender is a social term meaning that our culture developed what it means to be a male or female. The traits on the chart are appropriate for males and females, respectively. I believe that the differences that both genders express are genetically programmed.
I feel the pressure to conform to traditional traits in my everyday life. Often individuals are admired when they conform to gender expectations and embrace culturally accepted and long-established roles. Personally, I feel it most when I am living at my house in Fort Collins. I live with both genders and it is clearly expected that each person is expected to act a certain way. The boys do not show their emotions, they are constantly competing against each other, and they thrive on the idea that they are independent. The girls of the house are very emotional, are willing to compromise to make the other roommates happy, and are extremely dependent on others (this can be seen when given advice and reassurance especially).
The origins of the pressure to conform come from the people you surround yourself from. The individuals in my house are extremely involved in the concept of “fitting in with the crowd.” They endeavor to be accepted by their peers and regularly assure themselves they are. People also feel compressing pressure from modern society. Both genders are expected to behave a certain way and are looked down upon if they choose to innovate.
The pressure of conforming ...

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...; therefore, they share what they want to.
After watching this video, it became clear to be that my views on traditional masculine and feminine traits will be influenced. I understand the pressure that is put on both males and females to conform to society and the gender roles that accompany their culture. I will make a conscious effort to encourage males to act outside of the image they believe to be masculine. I will let them share their feelings and provide them with emotional support when they need it. I will also look at feminism differently. Before watching this video I believed that feminism was a good thing— now I believe that the idea of it is good but that is should change its objectives. I think that women should focus more on equality and less on the superiority of women. My thoughts regarding gender roles will be influenced after watching this movie.

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