The Foreclosure Crisis

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Foreclosure is one over arching problem facing the United States of America today with no one perfect solution. Each person in the US suffering from foreclosure has a unique circumstance and situation that has led them to the economic turmoil they face, and that uniqueness therefore requires any solution to the overall issue of foreclosure to be versatile to a plethora of situations. There is not one faultless way to resolve the crisis, but with a combination of different measures, the foreclosure crisis can be slowed.

The current foreclosure dilemma can roughly be divided between two main groups: homeowners who cannot afford their mortgages due to either a raise in the rate for an adjustable rate mortgage or a decreased home value and homeowners who are unable to pay their mortgages because they suffer unemployment. Foreclosure can be best stopped if these two groups are treated differently. As a generalization, different economic conditions leading to their current position of foreclosure separate these groups. For those who cannot pay the change in their mortgage rate, the burst of the housing created a situation that pushed them towards foreclosure while the economic down turn resulted in the unemployed American’s inability to pay their mortgage. The first group of the current foreclosure dilemma should be dealt with individually while the second facet requires overall economic recovery.

The current economic disaster began, in brief summary, as homeowners started to default on their mortgages and the price of homes decreased. Now, many homeowners with adjustable rate mortgages who had planned on refinancing their house to a fixed rate once the adjustable rate increased are unable to refinance because their house value...

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...America. Though solving the foreclosure crisis may be a long and daunting task, with hope from the people and appropriate measures taken by the government, it can be solved.

Works Cited

Hagerty, James R., and Nick Timiras. "House Under Water: Do You Stay or Walk Away?." News & Observer 27 Dec 2009: 5E. Print.

Inslee, Jay. Outsourcing Letter. 05 Oct 2004. Letter.

Smith, Geoff. "There Goes the Neighborhood: The Effect of Single-Family Mortgage Foreclosures on Property Values." Woodstock Institute, Web. 17 Dec 2009. .

United States. New Residential Sales. , 2009. Web. 31 Dec 2009. .

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