The Far-Reaching Effects of The Industrial Revolution

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During the period from the early 18th century to the mid 19th century people experienced many changes that had an impact on their lives such as technical advance, development of transport, trade, better organization of output or new financial structures. All these achievements happened spontaneously and were not planned. Economy was in process of rapid change and it gave many opportunities for people to gain wealth as well as social advancement. Almost every aspect of people’s lives was influenced in some way. This essay would like to argue that there were many innovations during this era; however, the biggest changes that people went through were industrialization and trade. Industrialization stalled the manual labour and set off the machine-based manufacturing. This major shift was closely associated with new rules for workers who had to adapt to new system. Furthermore, free trade became a phenomenon that brought profit and gave domestic workers job opportunities.

Industrialization was one of the major aspects during the Industrial Revolution. It brought changes in organization of production, managerial oversight and relationship between employer and labourer had changed as well. Old relationship between master and his worker disappeared because now hundreds of workers were employed in the company. Because the industrialization was new for everybody, there were no experienced workers. Therefore everybody could learn and start working. Men, women and children were expected to work so the Industrial Revolution created job opportunities for all members of the family. At first the biggest conflict was between the labourer and innovations. Managers tried to innovate or automate their factories. However, new technologies cau...

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...l in use today. Second innovation that this essay looks into was the importance of trade that resulted in changes in commerce between countries. It allowed specialization and increased production. More people were needed to produce goods for foreign markets which prevented the unemployment. Furthermore, it engendered cooperation between nations that lead to overall development, therefore the whole economy grew. Lastly, the Industrial Revolution has changed the way we live and started new modern era of business, competition and new technologies.

Works Cited

Deane, Phyllis. The First Industrial Revolution. Second ed. Cambridge Eng.: University, 1979. Print.

Mathias, Peter, and John Anthony. Davis., ed. The First Industrial Revolutions. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 1990. Print.

Meier, G. M. Leading Issues in Economic Development. New York: Oxford UP, 1976. Print.

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