Facts About the Affordable Care Act

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Much debate surrounds the American healthcare delivery system, this debate is not just talked about here in the United States, but worldwide as well. In order to discuss the reasons behind this debate, we must first understand what the objectives of a healthcare delivery system are, to better deem if one is functioning or not. According to Essentials Of The U.S. Health Care System, the the two main objectives of a health delivery system are to provide universal access at a decent cost while keeping with pre-set standards previously established. These terms are very general and rather subjective. Who decides what “decent cost” refers to, and how are those “pre-set standards” established? In the United States it is safe to say that whatever “decent cost” is defined as, we have definitely surpassed it, considering that the total amount spent on healthcare in 2010 was 2.6 trillion dollars, which roughly distributes it to be about $8,000 per person. I don’t know about you, but that hardly seems to be at a “decent cost” to me. Additionally, forty percent of healthcare spending comes out of public funding, which translates into Americans spending a lot of money, whether they are covered by an insurance policy or not, and healthcare costs in the United States affecting everyone’s pocket. One of the reasons for this rise in healthcare costs is the high administrative cost that comes with the checks and balances required by insurance companies. Investigations prior to deeming someone eligible for insurance require much research and paper work. Insurance companies do not look kindly on offering insurance coverage to someone who is considered a high insurance risk. Putting ourselves in their shoes, we would not want to cover someone with pree...

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...arned this semester is that change, even global change, starts with one person; and that’s me. I will take charge of my health and my family’s. If we all chose to give ourselves the preventive care we need, then specialty doctors and expensive insurance and drug companies would have a much harder time manipulating the masses. At the end of the day it all comes down to a personal choice, and sadly, America is too busy with their iphones and gadgets and reality T.V. to realize that they have on.

Works Cited

1. "ObamaCare Facts: Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Marketplace." ObamaCare Facts: Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Marketplace. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Dec. 2013.
2. Shi, Leiyu, and Douglas A. Singh. Essentials of the US Health Care System. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2005. Print.
3. Sick Around the World. PBS Video. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Dec. 2013.

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