the american identoty from two perspectives

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1-Introduction Since the birth of the new country, America had to create everything from zero. When America was discovered it was a wild territory in which the culture, the language and the religion according to Europeans were not developed. At the very beginning of the birth of the country, America was divided into different colonies whose population was basically immigrants from Europe. Those immigrants, who came to America, were from England, Holland, France, German, and Scandinavian population. They carried the culture, language, and traditions from their countries and then they were adapted to the new country and to the new style of life. This melting pot of cultures made America to be one of the most influenced nation, and also one of the most independent as well. The majority of those immigrants who composed the new American population were puritans, and this caused some consequences in the development of the nation and in particular in literature. When America started to be a new nation it was under the government of England, and they follow the rules and the laws of the Metropolis and obviously the model of the literature was England. At first the relationships with England were good but then, they became to be worse and worse. The new American identity started to appear with a puritan origin. From the arrival of those puritans to America, the new country was for them the new Promised Land, and they arrived with the idea of start a new life. One of the most important point for the origin of the American literature is the sense of nature and the religion, two concepts that go always together. The religion was transcendentalist, this means that they discovered God beyond the nature, and this wilderness they found are tria... ... middle of paper ... ... people, professions. The literary devices that Whitman uses are the personification of the country. He talks about American as if it was a person who sings, although he is referring to the American workers and the American population. As we have mentioned before, Whitman is the King of the free verse, and in this poem he uses the free verse and the poem has no meter or rhyme with long sentences, and he uses metaphors. In summary in this poem Whitman is talking about the population of America. This population is composed by workers who are developing the industry and the society, so they are improving the new nation. Although each person has a different occupation, all together create the new nation as a group. Each job is important for everyone, and for the development of their nation. They want to build a civilization based on the success and on the harmony.

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