mental health

1980 Words4 Pages

Social work has a crucial part to play within mental health services and mental health outcomes for individuals, families and communities. Across multidisciplinary organizations, social workers may provide new opportunities to meet people’s needs and to build new responses, transforming the lives of people with mental health conditions.

This fictional case study will explore the key elements of social work assessment, will formulate an intervention plan and articulate principles of ethical practice. This case study will also aim to identify practice challenges and strategies for such challenges.

Background information.

The presenting client is a 10-year-old boy of Somali background named Alem; he is currently in 4th grade. Alem arrived in Australia three years ago whit his little sister and mother. Alem’s father remains in Somalia while waiting for a visa. Alem and his family entered Australia as part of the federal government's refugee and humanitarian program.

The documentation provided by the BCHS, indicates that Alem’s mother, Dalays, was referred from foundation house, the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (VFST) (2012) to the Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit (VTPU)(2014), where she was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder soon after her arrival. Dalays has been supported with many strategies in place, including counseling, psychotherapy and also with ESL learning and training programs through (VFST). With these supports in place, Dalays has managed to sustain her family financially and settled in Australia. Through VFST (2012) Alem has also been supported with the acquisition of the language and schooling.

Dalays has recently moved to the area after finding a job at the local supe...

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