
841 Words2 Pages

Poetry is considered as one of the world's greatest part of literature. It gives writers the ability to touch

others' mind and soul through the use of their tones, metaphorical language, imagery, and figures of

speech. Three different authors, Octavio Paz, Judith Minty, and Judith Viorst share a common theme of relationships

in their poems. They all have the ability to transform their words and phrases into images into our brain

that feel like reality. The poets Paz, Minty, and Viorst utilize imagery, metaphors, and tone in their works that

bring their poems to life and give its' readers a strong message about relationships.

Octavio Paz's poem, “Two Bodies (Dos Cuerpos)”, is about a relationship among two people.

Paz describes the different emotional stages in a relationship by comparing the two people to nature

occurences. He first begins to tell his audience how “two bodies face to face are at times two waves and

night is an ocean” (498, 1-3). By saying this, Paz is metaphorically comparing a couple in a

relationship to an ocean. An ocean's waves at night can be very rough and loud at night. This signifies

the clashes and constant problems that occur in relationships. Just like waves collide into eachother,

two people can have many issues that seem make them butt heads. Octavio Paz also goes into a little

detail of using metaphors to compare the sexual aspect of a relationship to plants. He states, “Two

bodies face to face are at times two roots laced into night” (7-9). I felt this stanza symbolized the

physical attraction that two people share and how that plays a part in their sexual life. Relationships

include a sexual side to it and Octavio Paz feels the need to mention that into his poem because ...

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...ng and is definitely seen by the way she ends her poem and states, “...We

cannot escape eachother” (15). This statement alone voices the author's tone about marriage. Marriage

makes her feel trapped and unable to fully live. One is not completely free when they are married.

There is no voice heard that gives off a sense of happiness by being in a marriage, solely depressing


By utilizing metaphorical language, imagery and tone into poetry, words and phrases can then

be transformed into lively, entertaining pieces of art and literature. All authors, Octavio Paz, Judith

Minty, and Judith Viorst, are able to express their feelings towards relationships through poetry. Their

use of voice, imagery, and metaphors bring their words to life as well as give readers a new perspective

on the world.

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