What Does It Mean To Do Bad Things Essay

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One time, I used to think of school as fun as life dose, but when I started looking at my grades. I had to take studying in a serious way. I started going to the learning center and I got help, which changed my grades. Once I saw my grades are improving, I felt as a poor guy has won the lottery ticket. Getting good grades made me feel better and encouraged me to try harder. I was having fun while studying because I gave myself gifts and I took breaks to help myself studying. I kept going while studying in the ALI and some people were telling me that there are some teachers I wasn’t be able to make it through their class. Definitely I made it through and I passed all levels that I needed to finish. When I look at the people who told …show more content…

Sometimes I do dumb things. Most of the time I don't do anything.” The quote shows that people can do good things and bad things, but they don’t want to work hard in school. People think that school is like a game to play and spend most of the time having fun. People want to party most of the time and they think school is not important. When people hear about a party they will go and have fun, but in the morning they have classes and homework. People just feel lazy after that night because of what they did. Having fun is part of people’s life, but it doesn’t mean that they have to avoid things that are more important than studying and working. Lazy people most likely are not successful in their lives because they don’t want to do anything in their day and they just want to earn money while they are sleeping. Laziness is an easy problem that can be solved. Once people solve the problem, they will feel much better than before and they will enjoy their …show more content…

People don’t know about managing time because they think time is not important and they want to finish everything on the day before the due date. Doing the work or the homework the night before its due is not helpful because they are not going to have go over what they have done. For instants, I have scheduled my class for the fall semester to have time to study and enjoy my day. I scheduled every day two classes because I want to have time to study and do other activities with my friends. Also, I can spend my whole afternoon somewhere as the beach because I always finish classes at 2 PM. Some people have problems managing time which is easy to solve, they can set up their phones or put a board in their rooms, so they can see the board

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