glass eyed angel

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Ten minutes later

The Bridge was surprisingly empty besides a few automobiles here and there. The sounds of the soldiers and zombies was increasingly diminishing with each step Leo and Eve took.

"I can't believe we left her there." Leo says as he puts one arm around Eve's shoulder

Leo holds his right side tightly. His t-shirt is soaked in blood. His vision is blurry and he feels a very cold chill across his body. He can hear his heart beat and he begins to breathe through his mouth.

"You are going to be okay! I am going to find a car that runs and get you somewhere to patch you up Leo!" Eve states as she carries Leo across the bridge.

Eve pushes Leo gently on a truck and looks around frantically.

"Just…Just stay here and keep watch. I am going to see if I can find a running car or something." Eve states as she runs down the bridge.

"Just go without me. It isn't looking to good for me." Leo replies as he leans on the truck while attempting to lift Amber's rifle.

"I am not leaving you. You will be fine! I just need to find….Bingo!!" Eve yells as she hotwires a car down the...

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