Analysis Of Voltaire 's ' The Great Gatsby ' By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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" What is it " I asked looking at them in concern. Voltaire pushes them out the door and hushes them. He brought back a small piece of armor and I looked in the reflection.
" WHAT IN THE WORLD " I yell as I look at my eyes. Voltaire tries to explain but I keep interrupting him.
" Ra-"
" Rave- "
" I 'm gonna die, this is it I 've been cursed " I say while looking at the armor. I look up and I jump slightly when Voltaire covers my mouth.
" SHUT UP AND LISTEN " he yells as I look at him and nod.
" Okay " I say trying to seem calm as I look at this weird fog like stuff around him. " Listen, now you are not going to die " he says and takes the armor and puts it back on the shelf. " Do you see it " he asks looking at me.
" See what " I asked?
" Just tell me, is anything wrong or cloudy with your vision " He asks looking at me very intently.
" Well yes.. I see this cloudy thing but its only around you, not the whole room " I say looking around the room.
" What color is it "
" It 's gold, but why? What is going on " I asked starting to panic again.
" Gold " he says under his breath and pulls out a book and flips a few pages. He begins reading as I try to stand up.
" What are you reading " I ask while looking over his shoulder. He hands me the old dusty book and I look at it closely. The pages are so old that I 'm scared to touch them.
" What is this "
" It 's yours " He replies and opens the door and walks out. I begin reading a little and I see different color meanings. I cleaned up and went outside to check on the camp. Everything seemed normal until I heard arguing..
" What do you mean she will be fine?! Did you not see her " I hear Akira yell.
" Stop yelling she will hear you " He hush...

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...g startled.
" AHA FOUND IT " she walks over to me and shows me the page she was looking at. It 's a page about eye colors and their spiritual meaning but nothing about black eyes with blue pupils. I sigh and I hand it back to her, I grab my cloak and I put my hood back on.
" Thanks for your help Violet " I say as I walk up the stairs.
" I wish I could have helped more but hey did you hear about Lord Williamson " she says in a hushed tone. I stop and I turn around quickly.
" I 'm listening "
" Well apparently the kingdoms are fighting, Lord Crailimor 's soldiers killed a family cause they couldn 't pay their taxes and Lord Crailimor 's praised them for it " she says as she looks at me. I can feel my face go red, I can hear my heart beating. My blood is boiling now.. If war is what he wants we will give it to him, we start by seeing Lord Williamson in the morning.

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