Zonya's Health Bites

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It is quite common these days knowing someone with type-2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, or another type of cardiovascular-related disorders. The American Diabetic Association reported in 2012, “29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population had diabetes with 86 million Americans from age 20 and older having prediabetes; up from 79 million in 2010.” This staggering increase each year is failure to consume the right foods or not understanding the implications of consuming all the wrong foods. While genetics may play a role on some people more than others. Controlling one’s diet with the right foods can significantly improve the chances of genetic predispositions and debilitating health disorders. My ultimate goal as a future dietitian is …show more content…

The host is a national health motivational speaker named, Zonya Foco RD CSP, CHFI. Her expert approach taught me that there was much more to losing weight than just calorie restriction. She helped me to see food in a whole new perspective; that food was in fact more like my friend than my enemy. Foco would give facts about the benefits of certain foods and conduct demonstration displaying containers of sugar in comparison to the amount of soft drinks one may consume in one year. From that point on, my fascination with nutrition grew and I began to implement everything I learned. In 2006, I went from weighing 200 lbs to weighing a healthy of 135 lbs. It was the first time I felt truly proud of …show more content…

My job position required me to have a strong eye for details, aptitude in mathematics, and possess problem solving skills. I enjoyed the fast pace working environment for the most part along with the hustle and bustle of the city. The only problem was, that it did not feel rewarding to me. My biggest highlights were not knowing the latest fashions. Surprisingly it was when I gave nutritional tips to my co-workers and random people I came acrossed. For example, every winter I would kindly remind and explain to others I came across why it’s so important they take vitamin d3. When I look back, apart of me regrets not changing my major over to nutrition when I had the opportunity to do so. I knew working in the fashion was not something I was going to do for the rest of my life but I’m happy I did

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