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Introduction With all the focus our country has recently put on Healthcare I thought is necessary to look at a country which has used a Universal Health care model to understand where we as a country are heading and why so many people are opposed to it. For years I have heard that Japanese healthcare was one of the best in the world and known of people who would travel to Japan to receive treatment. Japan has been at the forefront of technology and it seems that the use of that technology has helped them advance in Health Care as well. In comparing both Japanese and American Health Care Systems I am hoping to find if Japanese Health Care is better than our American Health Care System. Population and Health Status Japan's 2008 total population was 127.69 million though its younger population has decreased as the older population has increased. Japans older population is living longer than earlier generations (Wakamatsu-cho, 2008). Diet has a great deal to do with Health and traditionally Japanese meals were higher in carbohydrates due to lower economic status and rarely used beef or pork. With economic growth came changes to the traditional Japanese diet adding more fats and proteins, causing a recent decline in Japanese health and increase in obesity (Saigusa, 2006). The population in the United States as of 2009 was 307,006,550 the younger population is projected to slightly increase and eventually plateau though the older population has been steadily increasing and projected to continue on an upward trend (Vincent & Velkoff, 2010). The lack of a healthier diet is something that has been highlighted in the media for the past decade and more often than not we are seeing the effects of overindulging and the consumption of highl... ... middle of paper ... ...fairs: http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/reprint/10/3/87.pdf Kozu, T. M. (December 2006). Medical Education in Japan. Journal of Association of American Medical Colleges , Volume 81 - Issue 12 - pp 1069-1075. O'Connor, P. (2008, October 18). US infant mortality rate now worse than 28 other countries. Retrieved June 9, 2010, from World Socialist Web Site: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2008/oct2008/mort-o18.shtml Saigusa, O. (2006). Japan's healthcare system and pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Generic Medicines , 4, 23–29. Vincent, G. K., & Velkoff, V. A. (2010, May). Retrieved MJune 2010, from U.S. Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p25-1138.pdf Wakamatsu-cho, S.-k. (2008). Ministry of internal affairs and communications. Retrieved May 2010, from Statistical Handbook of Japan: http://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/handbook/c02cont.htm#cha2_2
"Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.
Nutrition and health have become more popular in today 's society. Our generation is becoming more and more indebted to the idea of being healthy and eating nutritious meals. However, in “The American Paradox,” by Michael Pollan he argues that our unhealthy population is preoccupied with nutrition and the idea of eating healthy than their actual health. He also mentions the food industry, nutrition science and how culture affects the way we eat and make food choices. While Pollan is right about all these factor that affect our eating habits, there is more to it than that. Convenience, affordability and social influence also affects our food choices making them inadequate.
Infant mortality is considered a worldwide indicator of a nation’s health status. The United States still ranks 24th in infant mortality compared with other industrialized nations, even though infant mortality has declined steadily over the past several decades. Compared with the national average in 1996 of 7.2 deaths per 1,000 live births, the largest disparity is among blacks with a death rate of 14.2 per 1,000 in 1996 which is almost 2½ times that of white infants (6 deaths per 1,000 in 1996). American Indians as a whole have an infant death rate of 9 deaths per 1,000 in 1995, but some Indian communities have an infant mortality rate almost twice that of the national rate. The same applies to the Hispanic community, whose rate of 7.6 deaths per 1,000 births in 1995 doesn’t reflect the Puerto Rican community, whose rate was 8.9 deaths per 1,000 births in 1995.
United States. Census Bureau (1999) Statistical Abstract of the United States. Retrieved February 8, 2001 from the World Wide Web: http://www.census.gov/prod/99pub/99statab/sec31.pdf
Vincent, Grayson W. and Victoria Velkoff. 2010. “United States Census.” Census.Gov. Retrieved May 2014 (https://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p25-1138.pdf).
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is an American powerhouse in the healthcare industry. It is number 46 on Forbes list of the World’s Biggest Public Companies (DeCarlo, 2013). It has sixty international locations. J&J has been involved in health related products since 1886. The management structure is decentralized allowing for strategic operations depending on need and location. There are four central business divisions, consumer, pharmaceutical and medical devices and diagnostics. J&J has a significant presence in China and has targeted dominant health concerns, which includes the health issues of their aging population. J&J are not the only global company positioned to address China health care needs. Emeritus and Merrill Gardens are two Seattle, Washington companies whose focus is on senior care. These two companies met in Hong Kong with a group of global investors to discuss the development of the Western for...
There is no doubt that obesity has taken its seat as one of the top disease that strikes the world today. In America, obesity has now spread through the country leaving 2 out of 3 adults either overweight or obese, and worldwide 1.5 billion are overweight or obese (Overweight). The cause of this disease stems from multiple reasons such as the increase in modern food production, putting out ample amounts of food causing the prices for meat, groceries, and especially junk food to plummet. Subsequently, Americans especially were more inclined to purchase more food and showed an increase in the average American house hold food intake by 1,000 more calories a day (Dreifus).
Weinstein, Andrew. "Japan's Auto Industry ." About JAMA. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. .
Every eight seconds a baby is born in the United Sates (U.S.), and within one hour four babies die (1). The infant mortality rate (IMR) measures the rate at which babies die before their first birthday and is calculated per 1,000 live births. According to government figures 7.2 babies out of every 1,000 born in 1996 died (2, p 6). Although this figure declines steadily each year and is 406% lower than the 1950 figure (3) the United States IMR is still higher than twenty four other nations (1). More importantly, the IMR for black U.S. citizens is over twice the rate of white citizens (6.3 and 14.6 respectively) (4, p 9). The National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality even calls some regions "disaster areas" (5, p 18). What are the leading causes of infant death, and what areas within the United States are most affected? What preventative measures can ensure a child its first birthday? These questions are addressed herein. In addition, certain National Standards for Geography are met.
Both Canadian and American health care systems have become a significant part of my culture. I have recently been diagnosed with two major ailments for which both countries hospitals have become dear to my heart. Without the use of both systems I firmly believe I would not be here today. There are many differences between the American and Canadian health care system, both of which I have used and have experience in. I will discuss their fundamental differences and give my opinion as to what aspects I like and dislike about each.
Every country wants to believe they have the best healthcare system, but what determines which system really is the best. In 2000, the World Health Organization became the first to publish an analysis of the world’s healthcare systems. The analysis was based on the following five indicators: population health overall, health disparities, overall responsiveness of the health system, distribution of responsiveness based on economic status, and who covers the financial burden. Based on that report, USA ranked 37th, Canada ranked 30th, Germany ranked 25th, and UK ranked 18th (Coutsoukis, 2000). The comparison was extremely difficult, and the report was heavily criticized.
Infant Mortality Rate can be defined as death of an infant before his or her first birthday. These rates often help the nation to assess underlying factors such as maternal care, social & economic conditions, and individual’s access to medical care. With a world of 195 countries and estimated population of 7 billion people the chances of death are marginal. Living in the United States of America have sought out to be one of supreme beings when it comes to Infant Mortality Rate, the laws have declared it to be a crime. While looking at other countries in the Asian continent which Infant deaths are treated as sustainable way of life. The continent of Asia holds together countries that posses very high infant mortality rates. Some countries
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION, AND BUREAU OE THE CENSUS. (1994) Eds. F'.A. London, H.A. Scarr and M.L. Turner, Statistical Abstract of the United States, Washington, D.C., pp. 750.
Industry: Routes to the top FT 96 Dec 02 page 20/ Lex Column: Japan FT 96 Nov
Everyone is always competing for the best health care. Different health care systems are different through out the world, but all with similar ideas of at least delivering some form of health care. Some countries in particular will be highly emphasized: Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Japan in how they work with cost, access, and quality with in the health care systems in their own countries.