Xbox One Advantages

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So you want to be a gamer. How do you go about becoming one? Traditionally, those entering the gaming world usually buy a console, which today would mean picking up either an XBOX ONE or PS4. While those are both great devices, most are unaware that there is another option: PC gaming. People shy away from PC gaming for a number of reasons, the primary one usually being the high initial cost. But what most never come to realize is that what lies beyond that initial barrier is a near infinite amount of gaming potential. There’s no question that consoles are, initially, the cheaper option. The PS4 and Xbox One are both priced around $350-$400, while your average gaming PC might cost upwards of $800. What is important to remember, however, is that there are long term costs you need to be aware of as well. Console games traditionally cost much more than PC games. This is mainly because PC gamers have access to services like Steam, where games that are $60 on consoles regularly go on sale for 50-75% off. During Steam’s famous summer sales, you can often purchase five or six awesome games for the price of one console game. There’s no getting around it: consoles are weak by modern computing standards. Indeed, any decent gaming PC from around 2010-2011 will likely be more powerful than the Xbox One or PS4. That is how they are able to sell the …show more content…

Do I buy the Xbox One for Halo 5? Or do I wait, since buying an entire platform for one game is a bit of a waste? I will say however that PCs do win in one major department, and that’s in massively multiplayer online games. World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, and Mount and Blade: War band. These games simply wouldn’t work on consoles, due to both their control schemes and their network requirements. Whichever way you go; you’ll be missing out on something. What you need to decide is which batch of exclusives you want to play

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