Xbox 360 Persuasive Speech

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Remembering Yesterday, Today
Have you ever played an Xbox console? What about the original first gen Xbox the Xbox 360 , the Xbox 360 slim ,the Xbox one these are all of this generations Microsoft gaming consoles. The Xbox 360 was released in 2005 and has sold over 77.2 million consoles as of April 13, 2013. The first Xbox was released on November 15, 2001. Who knows what kind of Microsoft Consoles we will have in the next hundred years this is why I think we should put an Xbox console in the time capsule.
Putting an Xbox in the time capsule is a great idea! A hundred years we may have more Xbox consoles or we may have none. Yes putting an Xbox in the time capsule is a good idea but which one? There are three to choose from, they each have …show more content…

The pros where really only the gaming aspect. But is this really the best choice to put in the time capsule? Sadly no, it did offer good graphics and fun games but it was not the best console. I feel that in a hundred years the kids of that time will not look back and appreciate the console for what it was.
The Xbox 360 on the other hand was one of Microsoft’s best consoles. I myself own one and it has never let me down, it has apps so you can watch videos and the games are fantastic, the graphics are superb. I honestly have nothing wrong with it myself I am sure dedicated fans can find many flaws in the Xbox 360 console. It can’t only just play video games but it can also play your dvd’s which is a great feature. This was by far Microsoft’s best release.
Now the Xbox one was probably Microsoft’s biggest flop. It offers great graphics and fantastic games but it also forces you to buy the new games that you can only play on the Xbox one. It has a lot of apps and feature’s for the Netflix lover on your home but it focused more on the apps than the console. It is definitely not something to be proud of and give to our future generation. S I would exclude this console completely from the time

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