World War 2 Dbq Essay

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During World War 2 the world was fought between many countries. Germany had their allies which were Italy and Japan, and against them were Britain, France and Italy. The enemies of Germany retaliated because of Germany’s actions. Germany had invaded Poland, but in the Treaty Of Versailles the allies (Britain, France and USA) signed an agreement that they would protect Poland if Germany or if any of the enemy countries try to take over Poland. Britain and France signed this in the Peace Treaty in 1981. But when the D-day attack happened, the allies Britain, France and the USA surprise attacked the Nazi’s on one of the French beaches by pushing them back in land, which showed that Germany was already weaker than the Allies because they had been …show more content…

They decided to not invade Calais because the Nazi’s fortifications were strongest there but they would try to invade Normandy. So they could have every detail of landing sites so they could plan every little immense detail so they got low-level aerial reconnaissance photos and even sailing backs. BBC asked the people for holiday photos along the French beaches (“10 million were sent – Source A”) they had French spy’s go over and lookout for where everything was positioned. A man named, Col Sam Bassett landed secretly at night to test that the sand was hard enough to bear the weight of the tanks; huge forces were gathered over the South of England, thousands of Americans were transported to Britain. There were months of training, practising attacks of the Nazi’s emplacement – many men were killed because of the training and planning was so realistic and intense, the allies, Britain and France, built mulberries-floating harbours that could be towed across the channel and set up once a bridgehead had been established and a series of special machines were built for example tanks that could clear mines. There was even a Spanish double agent that convinced the Germans (Nazi’s) that the main invasion was going to be in …show more content…

It happened in the darkness the invasion began with three divisions which were made up of airborne troops, which were delivered by parachutes or by gliders. Lots of men had died from glider crashing’s and the parachutes were shot down by the Nazi’s, the British, USA, and Canadians were along the beaches for miles and many of them had landed far from their objectives. That day there were 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces that had landed on five different beaches that stretched 2,400 miles of a heavy fortified coastal line with bunkers and land mines and water obstacles the beaches code names were Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah. The Normandy invasion was the largest amphibious assault over launched yet. There was a five army division in the assault with over 70,000 ships as well as 11,000 aircrafts coming in that day to attack the Nazi’s. The day of Operation Overlord 75,215 British, and Canadian troops and 57,500 US troops had landed on those beaches and another 23,400 were landed air to fight against the Nazi’s (Source D). On the day of the landings 14 out of 58 Germans had to face the allies on the France beaches. The only French beach that was in serious doubt and that was Omaha which were the only ones where, success of the allied missions were in doubt. But by the 11th of June the allies (British, Canadian, USA) had served. The Contentin Pensinsula beyond Cherboug but in the progress they were

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