Women's Wages

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“April third has been declared by Feminist and labor groups as ‘Equal Pay Day’ because it supposedly takes 93 calendar days for women’s wages to catch up to men’s.” 3 Many people believe that sex discrimination is the main reason for the pay gap. However, several factors must be taken into consideration. On average, women earn 74 cents for each dollar earned by the male population. This number is calculated by comparing median annual earnings of men and women. But several other differences between the sexes make up for the variation in pay. Work experience, education, background, skills, and other lifestyle choices account for much of the pay gap. These factors cannot be ignored because they account for a large part of the discrepancy in wages between men and women. For example, when considering education, it is interesting to note that 14 percent of all master’s degrees earned by women were in business management. In contrast, white men earn 44 percent of the degrees. Furthermore, only 14 percent of women in business actually aspire to be a CEO, compared to 45 percent of men. 3 Lifestyle choices also contribute to the difference in wages. Many women are willing to devote more of their time and attention to parenting rather than their professions. Consequently, women who choose to divide their time between work and their family life will undoubtedly earn less. In fact, women ages 27-33 who have no children actually earn 98 percent of men’s wages according to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. 1 As these examples suggest, discriminatory pay practices persist, leading to lower wages for women, even when they perform the same job as men. 2 It is difficult to decide what can be done to close the wage gap between men and women. However, several steps have been taken to ensure equal opportunities for both sexes. For example, the Pay Act of 1963 prohibits unequal pay for equal or substantially equal work. Also, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits wage discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. 3 In reality, it would not be feasible to lower men’s wages in order to compensate for the difference in pay. Obviously the male popu... ... middle of paper ... ...; The wage gap between men and women will not be solved overnight. Many solutions have been offered by various groups, but women continue to face discrimination which lowers their pay. However, progress is being made. In a growing number of professions such as engineering, university administration, and economics, the wage gap is almost non-existent. Additionally, many companies and other organizations have created innovative programs to open up new opportunities to women and minorities. Affirmative action has also become a critical tool for preserving women’s economic security and that of their families. Works Cited 1Belsky, Gary and Berger, Susan, “Women Could Be Big Losers if Affirmative Action Fails, “ Money August 1995. 2Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earnings, Table 22, January 1994. 4Internet. “Differences in Economic Characteristics Account for Most of the Measured Gender Pay Gap”. The American Workplace, 1998. www.nationalparternship.org/workandfamily/workplace.htm 3 Silverman, Mark “Wages and Choices” DetroitNews.com, April 3, 1998. 5Zyman, John, “Ask a Working Woman,” Working Women’s Department National Survey Executive Summary (1997).

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