Women's Rights Dbq Essay

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America was known to be the “land of opportunity” for many immigrant/people to happily live in for a new life. Unfortunately, it also brought many problems alongside America that need to be dealt with. The extent of the problems are announce in their individual movement. The contribution of tragedy help create solution for the problems. The movement for women’s rights and the end of child labor both experience some kind of tragedy that influence government toward the the effort for a change. For many centuries, women were treated inferior compared to men with lesser rights. Women had almost no rights that men have, the problem was that they were treated differently to men. In a husband and wife relationship, women doesn't the right to have …show more content…

However, it isn't very successful in the time achieving its goals, as it took more than 70 years just to win the right to vote for women. In addition, even after they won the female suffrage, they still lack equal access to profession and the law to political power compared to men (Doc 3). Sadly, it did not end the difference of rights between men and women, also women still had to face prejudice and discrimination. They did gain important rights such as more wage for equal work and the ability to vote for what they want, for example the protection of children (Doc 2). In a extent the movement was successful, but simply took many years for it take place. They might not start with equal rights, eventually they still get their rights in the end. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire played a major role in the success of the movement as it was turning point of for the government to give protection and the need for a change for women (O.I) The tragedy was a sacrifice that result the government to take action for the better giving women the chance for equality. In the modern era, both women and men have the same rights to vote and as citizen, the time and effort of the movement was great …show more content…

The problems is that children are facing harsh condition that may harm their health from the long 8 hour of work, while only earning 10 cents per day (Doc 7). Child Labor is a problem that will become a danger to children life. It evidently is unfair that a child only earn 10 cents for the amount of labor they put to get money. Children are too young and immature to handle tough labor, they should be educated to succeed. However, for the children in labor, they are facing long-term health problems from dust and debris in mine or factory that may shorten their lifespan (O.I). If the problem were to continue, it would affect the population of US led to development of child labor

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