Of Mice And Men Women's Rights Essay

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In this paper I will be discussing women's rights in the book Of Mice and Men compared to now. In the modern error which is when the book Of Mice and Men was wrote women were treated like animals, heck they were treated even worse. Women had no rights, which is what John Steinbeck showed in the book. Women of thus error would not even allowed to vote. They were treated like slave. Steinbeck showed this in the book when Curley's wife was not given a name we just knew her as Curley's wife. Curley was the bosses son. They owned a farm and had many people working for them. Curley acted like he did not like his wife and treated her poorly, just like all women in the modern error. Women had no rights at all they were pushed and shoved around by anyone. Women were lonely, which is just what Curley's wife had told Lenny in the book Of Mice and Men. She told Lenny "I never get to talk to nobody. I get …show more content…

Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Staton. They started the Women suffrage group in 1869. They gained the right for women to vote by changing the 19th Amendment. The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920 it granted women the right to vote in all states. Before women were allowed to vote but not in all states. Some states needed women to vote in order to even be a state. This was just the start for Women. Later they would be granted better working conditions and so much more. In the United States, suffrage was one of the biggest issues for women. However, when the movement first began, many moderate feminists saw the fight for voting rights as radical and were scared that it would not go with the goals that wanted to achieve, like some of the goals that were not so controversial such as property ownership, employment, equal wages, higher education, and access to birth control. The difference between moderate and radical feminists started early in America's history and continues to be present in the women's movement for more

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