Women Should Be Allowed In Combat

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Jack has been in combat for nearly 5 years now many citizens are feeling safe because of him. but there's one problem what do girls have to do with it? Some women sign up for it and some women leave because their afraid. And that’s ok another reason is Because they've worked hard over the years,they've been injured and they’ve worked hard through it, and they made it.

Women are often serving alongside male combat units, and in Female Engagement Teams, which Marine Corps interactions in areas where contact between local women and men is restricted. Women in combat units will disrupt the cohesion of the team, and male soldiers won't be able to trust that a female is able to adequately back them up.
Where and how women serve in the military should be based on ability and training, not gender. Policies that prohibit the military from using the skills of all servicemembers should be changed of men ethos Women should be allowed in combat.If they want to. If they do not want to that they do not have to. Also if they are just doing it just to get in the combat with their family members. Like their brothers and family is in their that is just not right. …show more content…


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