Wlu Concert Report Sample

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The concert I attended took place in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall at Wilfrid Laurie University on Friday, November 20, 2015 performed by the WLU Percussion Ensemble. They performed eight piece of music from different time periods .This was a phenomenal experience as I normally would go and appreciate concert by a string orchestra, but this was something new.
As soon as the cast walked on the stage I noticed they had very vibrant coloured shirts and ties, which provided a very appealing view for the customer as it accompanied their performance by setting a jolly mood.
This was not like any other performance I have attended, since the variety of instruments contained a large portion of which I have never seen before. These consisted of, the Timpani, xylophone, cymbals, triangle, …show more content…

The ensemble managed to begin each piece in unison but also maintained a very steady tempo until the end which is a very exquisite skill. Not only was the timing on point, they also used body movements to sub communicate on stage. In any kind of performance, you need to be on your “A” game, producing a unison sound as an ensemble. It was noticeable that all the members of WLU percussion ensemble were fully prepared for the concert and that really paid off in the end. Furthermore, each individual plays a key role in the ensemble and one’s performance will affect the whole group.
This concert was an excellent demonstration of a well-done performance in that provided me with a better music sense afterwards.
The conductor and director of this ensemble was Brennan Connolly. His role in leading the ensemble was extravagant. He was full of confidence and he passed down this confidence to other members of ensemble. He was energetic and active throughout the concert and that was the main reason behind ensemble’s overall success. He also did a great job communicating with the audience which created a friendly

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