Why We Should Have Closed Campus Lunch

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School boards have dealt with complaints and issues in regards to letting their students leave school for lunch, which is their “free time” of the day. Certain teachers say the so-called "solution" of closed campus during lunch is the work of district officials who aren’t trusting students during the only time of the day that students can socialize and be free from schoolwork and lecture. If a closed campus will “eliminate” problems such as attendance rates and low budgets for lunch, the lack of freedom will create more problems like rebelling underclassmen and misconduct among the students. There aren't even any significant reasons to enforce it. It would just be a big hassle for the students, and an equal hassle for the teachers who have …show more content…

The only way anyone would be allowed off campus is if they had a note from their parents or they called in with an exceptional reason, which is a custom rule in many schools around the nation. The part that is unfair is that no one is even allowed off campus at lunch. This is the part that many students object to and the reason the rule is so dreaded. Some say that they need closed campus for safety. In an article from the New York Times, Mr. Ivan Toper, the principal at White Plains High School, says, “the cafeteria was big enough to accommodate the students remaining on campus.” Mr. Toper goes on to say and, in this case, side with concerning parents, ''Your concerns with their safety against their need for freedom and responsibility.” Some big schools with huge safety issues may very well need the rule because of possible violence within the school and sometimes people come onto campus that aren't students. Another reason schools want to enforce the rule is to reduce car accidents during lunch. Many students are at the age where they can drive and some are still at a young age where they walk. If people who work and takes their cars or even walk to the nearest food stop, what makes people think students couldn't handle it? If anyone thinks that a closed campus rule would stop these people from being rebellious, they are highly mistaken. The morality of this is most people won't have school spirit even with closed campus; they'll be too busy dreading the fact that they have to stay at

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