Why The Military Should Be Mandatory

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Going into the military should be mandatory. Serving in the military has a lot of benefits for people and their family. Some of the benefits are free education and medical care.
The reason people should serve and the military start out of highschool is a free education.If everyone want to college it would make it easier for them to get a job and take care of their family when they get out from serving.”The U.S. Army relies on civilians to fill many in-demand positions, including human resources, engineering and logistics”.Jobs like does can help poverty levels would decrease and unemployment level would decrease.
If going to military was mandatory there would be more troops.The more troops we have the more countries we can have under U.S control .We could help more people wand there a national deserved.
The more troops we have the more countries we can save. …show more content…

Another reason why going to the military is good is your health People who sevr and the arm forces had to go through a series of test,these test help them get and to shape and also help them mantle a health diet.If everybody expense these training people life spend could increase because they are not going to the doctor, are getting sick as often because they are living a healthy lifestyle.So the less people get sick the longer they live.If you have to go to the doctor it will cost you till nothing because of the medical benefits the military gives for serving.”As a Soldier, you and your family are entitled to servicemembers group life insurance automatically covered by a comprehensive HMO-type military health-care plan called TRICARE that provides medical and dental

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