Why The Fidget Spinners Should Be Banned

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A fidget spinner is a type of stress-relieving toy. A basic fidget spinner consists of a bearing in the center of a design made from any of a variety of materials including brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper and plastic. The new craze now in days is fidget spinners. Everyone either wants one of has one. They are meant for focus with work or activities. They were originally meant for kids who need to fidget in class but everyone has one now. Are they distracting in class? Should they be banned from every school in the USA? Yes and no. Kids who need them should have them but the other kids should not. The kids who do not need them are using them as toys and distracting the rest of the class and maybe the teacher. But let's take a deeper look. One reason fidget spinners should be banned to an extent in the classroom is, “Not all children are the same – Not all children require the same amount of sensory input to be successful. For the children who do not need it, the fidget toys …show more content…

There is one reason why to ban fidget spinners though. They are distracting to the ones who do not need them. So in my thought ban the spinners unless the have paperwork for their learning disabilities so they can have them. But if I was sitting in class and saw a kid playing with it I would be a little distracted. Although at the same time it is helping the other kid. The third reason is they are improving test scores for the ones who need them.A excerpt from Kids love those fidget spinner toys. But are they too much of a distraction? By Erin Silver “Ferry points to one case study involving a sixth grade classroom in Georgia, in which students who were given stress balls increased their average scores on a writing assessment from 73 percent to 83 percent; those with a medical diagnosis of ADHD improved their results by 27 percent”.”If it aint broken dont fix it” . Why would we try so hard to get the kids with learning disabilities to focus when we have the

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