The Importance and Benefits of College Education

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Congratulations to those who choice to attend college, we all know that education is the first step Thor success. Attending college gives you a lot of opportunities. Today on my presentation I’ll show and prove to you why people should go to college. They are three several reasons why people should go to college. First of all being able to possess a degree, second a well pay check finally meeting new people. Having a college degree provides you a better chance of having promotion opportunity. For example, a friend of my dad who had worked very hard for ANRO ink for 23 years who never being late never commit any crime had recently complained about him not being promoted, but a young guy who came just two years ago got promoted to be his boss. After checking their background, they found out that the guy that had worked there for 23 years had no high school diploma and the young guy had one -year bachelor degree on computer science. See that’s the best example for why people should have to get a degree. Having a diploma may help you not had to do certain hard work.

With people that have a master’s, doctoral etc degree earn more money during their careers compare to those with less education. Looking around us today any good job you are trying to apply for, will demand you to upload at list your diploma or a resume. Base to your …show more content…

Also in order to give yourself the best chance for a well- paying job, you must understand the importance of earning a college degree. A person with a high school diploma and a person with a bachelor degree will not be having the same amount of salary. Remember some people had the chance of earning amount money without having a diploma, but the question is couldn’t they earn more than what they have right now if they had

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