Why Is Trust Important In The Aeneid

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Trust is a confusing thing that many people play around with and do not take seriously. For some it may be easy to gain trust, but for others it can be a very hard task. Trust is very easy to lose, and can take something very little, like lying, to lose it. Trust can also be very hard to gain, and you may have to get to know someone very well before you gain their trust. This obviously has to do with different types of people and their view on trust. Occasionally when trust is broken, it is regained. The way it is regained can vary between good and bad. In book two of the Aeneid written by Virgil, the Trojans gave the Greeks a large wooden horse. The Trojans told the Greeks it was a gift, but really Trojan soldiers were hiding inside of it. The Greeks trusted the Trojans and brought the wooden horse into their city. In this example, the Greeks fell for the Trojans trick. The Greeks are a great example in how trusting your enemy, or people that have lost your trust before need to be watched closely. Trusting someone who has broken your trust before can be a difficult thing to do, and a lot of caution should be taken in the process. …show more content…

There are many possible factors that contribute to this. Some girls are more emotional than some men, and some women are nicer and more forgiving than some men. By all means, if a man breaks their trust with a woman there is no guarantee that their trust will be regained. The same thing occurs with men. If you break your trust with a man, there is a possibility that you can regain it. For instance, in book two of the Aeneid, Greek men gained trust from the enemy and it came back to bite them. One reason why society generally has a hard time regaining trust is trust

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