Why Is John F Kennedy Important

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John F. Kennedy was an influential person on a lot of people. Help out a lot of people and he did a lot of things to help America be great again. He help the african-americans get there freedom he created the peace corp He stopped a really bad war from happening and that he received the medal of heroes and he served in the u.s. Navy it was a sad day when he was shot dead in front of the world. John f. Kennedy did a lot through his life. He help severe in the U.S navy during world war two he severed on the motor torpedo boat PT-109 after he was rejected from the army do to his back problems. He suffered from addison's disease, back problems, and he was hospitalized many times throughout his whole life. He was both in the house of representatives and U.S. senate before becoming president on the 35th president in 1961. The bill kennedy made eventually pass by as the landmark civil rights act in 1964. He was the catholic president, he was also diagnosed with a rare endocrine disorder called addison's disease. He missed the votes in 1954 and was hospitalized after back surgery. His brother joe jr. was killed in august 12, 1944 when his navy airplane exploded on a secret mission against a german rocket launching site. His son was elected a seat in the senate in 1962 and he entered the congress in january 1947 at the age of 29. …show more content…

He tried to help cuba over through there leader of cuba. He was congress for six years after that he became a senator in 1957. He joined the navy in 19941 in 1943 a destroy blow up his ship he was in charge of and he got his whole team to safety. It was his brother death his for him to become president. He made the peace corp he helped slaves get same rights as white people do he stopped a nuclear war with

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