Why Is Gun Control Important

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Gun control is a huge deal to me and the rest if America. It is a huge deal and there are two very different sides. Guns are used for many reasons and they are protection against criminals/ animals. Or others see it as a weapon to hurt others and used to harm animals. And hunting a recreational activity for ages one to one hundred.
People should be allowed to carry guns and should have the right to do so. With the proper background checks and safety tests. Guns protect people from people and animals. If a criminal held you gun point that wouldn't be good. Also in Alaska and Montana bears attack people every so often it would suck to be in that situation say on a hike and not close to any civilization. I read an article about how a grizzly charged a man and his wife and he fired off …show more content…

Guns are great for protection and they are a great tool for everyone. People should carry guns. Gun control does not work. For example Colorado has a limit on forty round clips but before the elementary shooting it was alright and they didn't come door to door asking for clips. Many many people have those clips and a law will not stop it. For another example look at Mexico they have some of the most strict gun control in the world. That is not the crazy part yet they also have one of the highest gun violence rate and mortality. If that does not help you I don't know what will you want to take away guns from civilians and the people who use them the right way. It does not get much clearer than that you take away guns from civilians and guess what?
The criminals will still have them look at Mexico! It will not stop because they are criminals if you took guns away good people will not have them but bad people will. Let's use cocaine as an example illegal and bad, good people don't have it but bad people do rules and laws don't stop them. That will make everything way worse because criminals won't give up their guns. That is why is you want gun control in the United States it would not

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