Argumentative Essay: Can Guns Really Prevent Crime?

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Men and women of America have the right to keep and bear arms to protect themselves. Guns prevent crimes from happening countless amount of times each and everyday. How would you react if someone late at night came bursting into your home would you dial 911 or pick up your .45. The problem for most a lot of Americans is they do not know what to do when an immediate threat pops up and then they only have a few seconds between life or death. Citizens need to be able to protect themselves so that they will not be a victim of crime and live a happier more relaxed life. Without firearms would it really stop criminals? No one watches a cheetah chase down a gazelle and deny the gazelle the right to defend itself yet they will try to deny the same …show more content…

These liberals preach so much tolerance except when it is something they do not like if a democrat does not like something then that certain thing should be banned forever and should never make a comeback. God forbid a republican does not like something then we get thrashed and called intolerant and we are all bigots. It is such a double standard that we live in and until the left can get their heads out of there you know what, nothing will change they will still cause problems and they will still freak out over people wanting to own firearms. Guns can be very dangerous because they kill people and they are easy to buy and you can purchase a lot of ammo for a rifle or pistol or a shotgun. There is no reason for an average everyday person to have to have a gun because they are just plain violent and deadly and also when you have a firearm in your house you are 70 times more likely to be shot then you are without owning a gun and besides what is the need for a gun that's what we have police officer for. If guns helped so much in preventing crime then how come people still get killed, raped, kidnapped, etc. Also why do people need to have that stuff

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