Why Is A College Degree Important To You Essay

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College to some can be easily pulled off as a, “ completely unnecessary return on investment,” or, “that any college education extremely outweighs its actual benefits,” or even that, “an forthcoming high school graduate should start a business.” From my personal perspective, I believe a college degree is the best thing you can have. College is a place that allows you to discover who you are and what drives you. It also gives an ample amount of time for you find a potential career and make strong connections with your peers. Yes, some may strike it rich, but as some may know that doesn’t count for the majority. This is why I am here to describe the benefits a college degree can offer you. The first reason a college degree matters: It makes sense financially. Graduating from college has been seen as one of the few problems left on for middle class citizens. According to average percentages in the United …show more content…

You would say, “Recent college graduates come in with absolutely no skills or abilities that are useful are to us with the small exception of people who actually can do it.” Come on man. You know much better. A skill that is relevant today, can easily be not useful tomorrow. Although not known to some, adaptability is the key to survival in today’s society. In today’s society we do not need a whole armada of people trained to manipulate today’s tech. Where do you think people get a chance to get these ideas? College. The fourth reason college matters: It is good for politics. It is, as said by Harvard President Drew Faust in her speech, that, “people who have college degrees are more likely to vote”(2). A college degree has statistically been proven for years to be a better predictor than the amount of money you make especially in determining who is informed and focused. It has been proven that if you want a healthy, strong functioning political democracy, you should support your kids to go to

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