Why I Want To Pursue A Degree In Biomedical Engineering

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When I was a freshman, I enrolled in a class called Engineering Design. It quickly proved to be the hardest course I had ever taken up to that point, both for its high standards and for the breadth of its material; the curriculum encompassed woodworking, metalworking, modeling with AutoCAD and SolidWorks, writing design briefs and (perhaps most importantly) learning to summon the patience to perfect a project, bit by painstaking bit, over dozens of hours. Engineering Design made me realize that my brain is suited for engineering on more levels than I had ever previously imagined. The necessity for inventiveness and flexible thinking in engineering appeals profoundly to my innate sense of creativity, while my instinctively detail-oriented approach …show more content…

This choice was a natural consequence of two other passions that I have discovered and developed during my high school career - biology and helping others. By exploring biology through advanced courses and my involvement with Science Olympiad, I’ve developed a lasting sense of awe at the intricacy and beauty of the biological world, as well as a healthy awareness of the vast amount that we have yet to discover in the field. By formally joining my interests in biology and engineering at Vanderbilt, I would be able to enter a vibrant and tremendously dynamic field where I could explore the interactions between the engineering of nature and human engineering in ways that have never been done before. My final reason for studying biomedical engineering is that it would give me an ability to help others in a way that no other engineering field could. Biomedical engineering is the exploration of biology and engineering to have a positive impact on people’s lives, and this aligns perfectly with the importance that service to others holds in my life. Volunteering has been significant part of my life for years, and it’s a substantial component of how I see myself in relation to the world. I know that there is nothing as powerful for my sense of fulfillment as knowing that others have benefited from my work, and biomedical engineering would allow me to have the

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