Biomedical Engineering Scholarship Essay

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Healthcare and the field of medicine are some of the most sacrificial yet rewarding professions one can pursue. When it comes to community service, brain surgeons to CNAs are the first to come to mind due to their steadfast generosity, whether it be through their twelve-hour night shifts or emergency (and life-saving) procedures. Even those in biomedical engineering careers contribute to society through hi-tech prosthetics that can get a veteran back on his feet after years of disability. I also plan on weaving my own influence like them; for example, although I currently volunteer through school clubs and events, in the future, I will do a lot more -- I will be volunteering to save lives every day. By receiving a degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Arkansas, I hope to one day join that heroic, close-knit community and make my own positive impact on my future patients. And to think, my interest in it all started out with loving the annual check-ups with my family doctor. …show more content…

By furthering my education, I hope to be able to achieve that ultimate goal, starting with getting a college degree. Education has always been a big part of my life and ever since I was little, I dreamed of being in the medical field helping others in every way possible -- and by getting a career in the this field, I can also work in a community where there is a shortage of medical professionals. Not to mention that if I were to go into the career of biomedical engineering, new-age prosthetics to life-saving procedures would be daily tasks for me -- although they will not be easy, they will drastically change and/or save lives. And when I finally am qualified to lend a helping hand to people every day, hopefully, in turn, they will help others in the same positive way -- in other words, I hope to serve as a role model to my future

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