Why I Want To Continue My Education

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Mark Twain once said, “the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Figuring out what to do with the rest of your life is a daunting and thrilling journey. Education is a vital step in that process. Throughout the last four years of my college career, I have taken countless classes in subjects I loved and subjects I thought I loved. Different experiences have altered my worldview, my education decisions, my career path, and ultimately my future. Obtaining a masters degree in public administration from the University of North Carolina Wilmington is the next step in my journey, but it is not a decision I arrived at lightly. Communication is one of my strengths and it is a field that I have always found to be of great interest. I knew that the communication studies degree would be broad, allowing me to delve into different areas and decide which was the best fit. This degree has provided me with a great skill set and hands on experience. I am thankful to have the opportunity to be a communication studies …show more content…

Barth led me to the graduate assistants’ office and introduced me to each of them. I spent the next thirty minutes speaking with the MPA students and hearing their views of the program as well as the assistantship. The teaching assistant for one of my current political science courses, Anna Nunn, was among them. She was very helpful and has given me a great deal of advice regarding the program and the field of public administration. The graduate assistants were able to provide me with specific details about different courses and concentrations. Each of them came from a different undergraduate background and each one is going through a different experience in the program. It was enlightening to hear their different viewpoints. They offered to help me in any way they could, ranging from answering any questions I had to helping me secure a graduate

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