Why I Want To Be A Physical Therapist

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As described by the American Physical Therapy Association, professional physical therapists must possess the following qualities; accountability, altruism, compassion, excellence, integrity, professional duty, and social responsibility. Professionalism in the context of being a student in a doctor of physical therapy degree program should possess similar traits because after all a physical therapy student is a future professional physical therapist. In this essay, I will be telling you three stories; the story of an Asian American daughter, the story of a first-generation college graduate, and the story of a vision therapist.
Undergraduate school is a time of growth and exposure to many. People learn to become accountable for their actions and develop skills that they will carry on to their careers. As a first-generation college student, I can testify to this. My parents never finished their education so the whole college experience was new to them and I had no one to guide me. I wanted to make the best out of my experiences so I became accountable for my actions and developed a sense of integrity in my work. I worked hard to earn my grades, all the while maintaining a job and extracurriculars. This is a quality of professionalism a student in a …show more content…

As a doctor of physical therapy student, this quality is one that you won’t have to even learn because it should just come naturally. To be any healthcare professional is to be caring and compassionate to all your patients. It is a quality that at the end of the day should make you satisfied as a healthcare provider. Every day I go home with a smile on my face because some patient has given me a hug, expressed gratitude, and even enjoyment in their therapy session. It is not only a satisfying feeling to myself but a feeling of altruism because I have helped improved someone’s

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