Why I Want To Be A Mortuary Science Essay

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Why Mortuary Science? Death is one thing everyone has in common. Death is one of those certain things that will happen sooner or later. However, death is an unpleasant subject to talk about, but at some point we will all face it. It is something that everyone must cope with. What will happen when we die? Who will prepare the funeral arrangements? Who will embalm the deceased and make sure they are presentable for their last viewing? That’s where I want to come in at. Studying Mortuary Science will prepare me for those questions asked. A mortician is both artists and scientists. I can imagine the career of a funeral director is never a dull moment. The career of a funeral director is a combination of jobs. When I researched this field of study I was intrigued with the art of it. I never had a passion to be a doctor. However, I’ve always had the urge to help people. This field will give me that ability. It will prepare me to be a professional funeral director. In which I will indeed have a scientific education to handle the human dead body. Have an artistic talent to improve their appearance and a caregiver to help the survivors. In this field of study, I am a person that will at all times be held at the highest level of professionalism. Not only will I be help to the dead but also to the survivors. I will be able to …show more content…

I’ve dealt with many types of people and provided them with great customer service. One day I decided I wanted to do more and something more beneficial. My passion for this industry comes from the impact that I will have one someone’s life. When I parish away I want to be known for my good service. This career is very rewarding, and I love this opportunity I have. I am very interested in the factors of being able to preserve a body just a little while longer so the survivors can have one last time with them. To pay their respect to them and to cope with the fact they will no longer see them

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