Why I Dislike Writing

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Why I Dislike Writing
When I was younger I really enjoyed writing. English was one of my favorite subjects and I loved to write! Writing was so exciting to me, that I even wanted to be an author. I enjoyed reading and writing fictional stories so much, English class was rivaling my all time favorite subjects of Math and Science. Unfortunately, around middle school, writing started to become a chore. In middle school, I no longer had the freedom to choose subjects I wanted to write about. Suddenly writing became more of a burden than a blessing. It all began with teachers assigning what I considered useless reports, I mean who would want to write twelve pages on Chinese temples? As the years drifted by, my desire for writing dramatically declined. …show more content…

First off, I always get writer’s block when I try to write, no matter what the topic of the report is. Since I routinely suffer from writer’s block, any writing assignment gives me anxiety and stress. I just know I will sit and ponder sub-topics, organizational points and content for what seems like hours. Secondly, communication through writing isn’t as beneficial as modern technology. Call me a product of my generation, but I believe there are better methods of conveying information other than writing. However, all English classes require written reports and assignments, so writing is a necessary tool that I must use. The last point I would like to introduce is, most all of the topics I am required to write about are not in the least bit interesting to …show more content…

Writer’s block is one of my biggest problems when I have a report or paper due. For this particular paper, I spent about forty-five minutes just trying to figure out which argument to address. It is seriously annoying to have writer's block when the assignment is due in two days. Although most times I think that my introductions or topics are fairly good, they take hours of planning. For me, most of the time that I spend writing a paper is during the planning stage and staring blankly at my computer contemplating my first sentence. I realize my method of composing a report only enhances my absence of thoughts. My mind drifts off into subjects not related to my paper. For example, at this very moment, my brain feels like it is trudging through molasses, my thoughts getting nowhere to further me in my essay writing. This mind-numbing sensation of not knowing what to write consumes me almost every time I am tasked with a paper. Writer’s block is not a rare occurrence for me. One can compare writer's block to the feeling of getting your life sucked out of

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