Why Huckleberry Finn Should Be Banned

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Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a book that is highly censored, and even banned in some schools. It is a book wrote for children, which many people find controversial. A debate popular in high schools today is whether or not we should expose students to certain issues or if we should be sensitive to them. Michael Kreyling, an English Professor, stated “If it isn’t a dangerous book, there really is no reason for anybody to read it or teach it.” His statement was correct and there is a lot of evidence of this. Books that contain sensitive topics can open up a student’s minds and make them think about real issues going on in the world. In Huckleberry Finn, there are multiple examples of Huck and others being racist. Jim, one of the main characters …show more content…

One example is Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli. In this book that is becoming very popular, there is a teenage boy who is gay but doesn’t let anyone know until he is fully comfortable with himself. The book is like a funny romantic comedy, that has some emotional moments in it as well. For example, in one chapter of the book, Simon is outed by one of his friends. This means that one of his friends that he trusted, told others that Simon is gay. Including this in the book could possibly make people realize that they need to respect others privacy and not feel the need to tell everyone something, unless someone is in danger. Then it should be told to a trusted adult, not a group of classmates. This whole book dealt with a topic that is mildly sensitive to some people, which is homexuality. By writing a whole book about a young boy’s experiences, some people might start to think about how they need to be accepting to everyone, and even if they disagree with something, they should still be respectful because actions can have powerful …show more content…

This book deals with two strong eating disorders, bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, as well as other mental illnesses. This book was on the top ten list for teen books last year, so it gained quite a bit of popularity and I became interested in reading it. This book is powerful and really opened up my mind about these disorders that don’t get talked about much. In the book there are two girls suffering from eating disorders who create a challenge to see if they can become the skinniest girls at school. One of them suffers from bulimia and she ends up dying because of the strength of her disease. The other lives but is greatly affected by her friend’s death. Throughout the book she continues to suffer with anorexia until the end, where she gets help. This book describes graphic experiences throughout different chapters that could make others feel uncomfortable. However, it is important to have books like this so it can educate others about the dangers of eating disorders and how our friends can affect us. The two main characters in the book, Cassie and Lia, affect each other by not letting each other get help when they need it because they don’t want to “lose” the challenge or be separated. They suffer from intense consequences from this, such as losing other friends, becoming severely unhealthy, and even dying. This book also makes people think about the signs that someone

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