Should Huck Finn Be Banned

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Abby Gross
Mr. Bruneel
AP Lang- Period 7
10 April 2014
Exploring Censorship of Twain’s Great American Novel: A Literary Critique To delve into a topic as serious as book censorship, one must first determine the purpose of reading, of literature in general. Blahblahblah (what Ms Buckingham said). Mark Twain’s novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, has sparked much controversy since its publication in 1884 due to countless racial slurs and stereotypes; in fact it is the most commonly banned book in American history (source). While many argue that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be banned, the literary merit, namely the realistic setting and characterization, outweighs the vulgarity and crude language. Twain’s satirical social commentary …show more content…

Twain’s use of profane language, namely the inclusion of the word “nigger” over 200 times, is condoned by the exceptionally realistic setting it creates. For proponents of banning the book, the use of obscenities are seen as justification enough to ban, but according to United States federal judge John Woolsey, the obscenities are not in fact obscenities at all. Determined by the Courts, a book can only be found obscene if it stirs sexual impulses or is “dirt for dirt’s sake” (Woolsey). Neither part of this definition fits Twain’s writing. Twain uses vulgar language to realistically depict the Southern antebellum society in which the story takes place. The only impulses that Twain intends to stir are a person’s moral compass in an attempt to rid society of their negative outlook toward African Americans. In the Explanatory of the novel, Twain tells the readers that “several different ‘dialects are used,’ which have been written ‘painstakingly,’ based on his own ‘personal familiarity with these several forms of speech’” (Adventures 3). Twain grew up in a setting similar to that of the …show more content…

When Huck and Tom reencounter towards the end of the novel, Twain’s portrayal of each boys’ ideology sparks sharp contrast between practicality and romanticism. Tom is a risk-taker, a divergent thinker, an imaginative boy; exactly Huck’s opposite. Huck is a realist, a hesitant decision-maker, and a submissive boy. When faced with the challenge to free Jim from captivity by the Phelps family, both adventurists come up with a plan and after Huck presents his effective plan to Tom he says “Wouldn’t that plan work?” to which Tom replies, “Work? Why cer’nly, it would work, like rats a fighting. But it’s too blame’ simple; there ain’t nothing to it. What’s the good of a plan that ain’t no more trouble than that? It’s as milk as goose-milk. Why, Huck, it wouldn’t make no more talk than breaking into a soap factory” (Twain

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