Why Everyday Bible Study Is Important To Me

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Bible study is something that we all should do. It helps us grow closer to God and teaches us how to live our lives for the Lord while we're still on this Earth. As Psalm 119:105 says; "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." While Bible study is an essential part of a Christian walk, I often find myself reading without comprehending or fully understand the meaning God and the Holy Spirit are trying to convey to me. As Pastor Danny Akin said, it isn't difficult or complicated, but it does take effort to focus on the text as you read. In Everyday Bible Study, it talks about the same issue of observing and comprehending the Word. We observe things subconsciously all the time, like at the supermarket when deciding what salad dressing to buy, but when it comes to the Bible, it's …show more content…

We must put forth a conscious effort to actually understand the text so we can receive the full message God is trying to send to us. While Pastor Akin makes the point that "observation requires concentration," he does not specifically tell us in this quote how to concentrate on the Bible as we are reading. On the other hand, Everyday Bible Study, after giving us examples of things that could inhibit our observation of the Bible, gives us some things we can do to get more out of our Bible studies and helps us learn how to actively read the Word of God. On pages 88 and 89 of Everyday Bible Study, we are given questions to ask of the text as we read; who, what, where, when, why, and how. When we answer these questions with information given to us in the text, we gain a better understanding of the events that are occurring in that moment and it causes us to become more focused on what the Bible has to say. Other ways to focus more on what we are reading include reading at a slower pace, reading aloud, rereading portions of the text multiple times, using multiple translations, and jotting down notes, observations, and connections we make as we read (Everyday Bible Study,

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