Why Does God Allow Evil In The World

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It seems that every day, something occurs in the world that would be construed as evil. You are able to come across it through social media, newspaper, and television and sometimes it makes you question why. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow it? In this paper we will be exploring the problem of the evil in the world and theodicy.
If God is all powerful, and all knowing, and all good, how can that God allow evil to exist and for bad things to happen to good people? When questions like these arise, we turn to theodicy. Theodicy in essence means the defending of God’s good will in the existence of evil. It also may help provide plausible explanations as to why God allows evil to exist. In the Harvard Theological Review, it explains that theodicy is done so that the theologian can find out what God reveals to man about the pain and suffering that exist in his creation (Surin, 1983).
Many religions have their own traditions and responses when it comes to answering the question of why there is evil in the world. In regards to the Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islamic religions, they hold four classic responses about the problem of evil in the world. The responses we will be looking at will be Karma, The Consolation of Promise, The Appeal to Sovereignty, and Dualism. These responses will give us …show more content…

For instance, Judaism believes that the Messiah has yet to come, while Christianity believes that Jesus lived, was killed for us, then resurrected, and will return to judge the living and the dead (Cunningham, 2013, p.108). This is better known as the second coming of Jesus Christ. For the Islamic religion, they believe that the Mahdi, or the rightly guided one, will come and show himself when the time is right. All religions hold the same belief that the good people on earth will be rewarded in the afterlife, while those who are evil will be

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