Why God Happen To Evil People

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When we hear any headlines on the news of tragedies and war going on in the world, we look on with a puzzling question in the back of our minds, ‘why is this horrible event happening to so many innocent people’. Even more so, we may ask why God is allowing this to happen. I have personally never experienced anything tragic to ask God why he allowed this to happen, aside from minor hardships or obstacles being put in my way. So, my reasoning is going to have to be from an outsider point of view. From all the articles and book about the problem of evil or why god allows bad things to happen to good people, there is one common response, no one can explain this reasoning. All I understood from the readings were theories and understandings that …show more content…

God created man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden where a tree called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They were told by God not to eat the fruit from this tree. Eve was tempted by this tree and specifically tempted by a serpent to eat from the tree. She plucked an apple and gave it to Adam to eat and this when it is said that evil was born. God created the world of free will and they were free to choose to eat from the tree but was warned not to by God. When they chose to disobey God, they created an absence of good within themselves. St Augustine of Hippo was a 4th century theologian that believed that evil was not created by God because when God, who is perfect, created the world he stated it was very good. Evil therefore is not a thing and must be an act of free will lesser than good that makes it evil. Therefore, evil is associated with free will in this instance since now the fall of man has now taken place. In an article by Greg Koukl in a Christian website str.org, he explains the Augustinian theodicy and gives the theologians theory on why evil exists. He states “He [God] not only wanted free creatures; He also wanted plenitude, that is, the greatest good possible. Plenitude--the highest good, the best of all possible worlds--requires more than just general freedom; it requires moral freedom, and that necessarily entails the possibility of evil” (Koukl 2012). This gives way …show more content…

This is another conundrum that during my research I could not find a defined answer. Most of what I read was on how to justify it or what made people feel more at ease about the tragedies that may occur to good people in the world. A mass tragedy that happened to millions of good, men, women, and children, is the holocaust. The evil event of race purification of the world from an evil-minded individual brought so much death and cruelty to so many innocent people who were born of certain attributes or of a certain religion. Upon reading the book “God at Auschwitz?” I gathered more information on what got those who were in the concentration camps through the experience of being there than trying to understand why God was allowing it to happen. From what I understood, their faith in God is what got them to endure every day. They would sing hyms in the lowest possible tone possible so the guards would not hear to keep their spirits up and it was their way of professing their faith to God. The author of the book, John M. Oesterreicher states that “without faith, human sorrow – in particularthe desolation of Auschwitz – would be unbearable” (Oesterreicher, 1993). When those within the camp witnessed, or learned of another’s death at the hands of the guards, they would take solace in the fact that the persons being was no longer suffering in this evil and they will go on to a better afterlife.

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