Why Do We Need Animal Testing Necessary?

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Currently in the U.S., animal testing is a controversial topic. It is believed to be a necessary step in the development of new drugs and therapies. While others believe, that we shouldn't put the well being of animals over humans or vise versa. In this paper it is believed that there is no need for animal testing, animal testing is unnecessarily cruel, and it is unnatural.

Contrary to popular belief, animal testing isn't necessary. According to PETA, 92 percent of animal testing successes, do not make it through phase 1 of human clinical trials. Since most diseases animals are put through aren't naturally occurring, their bodies react differently than ours. In fact almost always after animal experiments, human tests are conducted. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of animal testing? In addition to all the suffering they experience, their bodies stay in a stressful state. Not only …show more content…

Theoretically this allows researchers to infer how certain medications react in our bodies. There is a tiny problem with this theory, animals react to these diseases differently which makes it highly unlikely to accurately analyze and apply the data to human body systems (Results from Research on Animals Are Not Valid When Applied to Humans, 2014).

Someone who accepts animal testing would argue that animal testing isn't only used for medical reasons. It is also used to study the behavior of animals. They could also say that not all laboratories inflict pain upon the animals. Or that animals serve to help us better understand how the viruses act on certain subjects and not always used to apply the data to humans. The opposing side would argue that while some laboratories don't inflict pain most do and for animals to be kept in a laboratory is stressful enough that it causes their immune system to suffer and their body to constantly be in a stressful

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