Why Do We Learn Small Groups

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Why do you think is it important that we learn about small groups? I think it is essential that we learn about small groups because the primary purpose of the small group is to build relationships. Everything in life revolves around a relationship, everything; ultimately, it is how God created us to be and to live. Our family’s foundation is based on small groups; immediate family, relatives, etc., God did not create us to be alone. He made us to support one other and to establish relationships so that we can communicate to accomplish what He has called us to do by having support, ideas, answers to our problems, or in other words, whatever we need He provided for us through others. Many years ago, I had the biggest fear to speak to people, not just in front of people but around people. However, this fear became an issue that kept me away from people because I refused to be embarrassed by my speech impediment, which prevented me from doing what I loved to do, helping others. I thank God that I was able to overcome my fear of speaking by getting involved in small groups that were able to help me tremendously. Small groups are created to help and to support one another because we are not made to deal with our problems alone. We are designed to relate, to teach, and to encourage one another. …show more content…

The most top job skills, which have been surveyed by 500 employers, are lacking communication, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, the ability to think independently, and most of all the value of strong work ethic is lacking (p. 9). With the help of small groups, many students have the opportunity to experience the effective use of small groups which have been essential to their career success (p.

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