Why Do Kids Get Participation Rewards?

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Have you ever been watching your kids soccer game and then at the end the coach calls them all over and gives them all participation rewards? Participation awards are given to children just for participation in something. These can be good and can reward your child for trying their best. I'm here to tell you that participation awards are bad and must stop. I Believe kids should not get participation rewards because it can lead to narcissism, when kids know there getting a reward they don't try as hard, and always rewarding a child will not prepare them for the real world. Always getting a reward just for showing up can lead a child to narcissism. You may ask yourself “What is narcissism?” Narcissism is when someone has excessive interest in themselves. People with narcissism will think to themselves that they are the best. When kids contuinley get rewards for just being there it can make the belief that they are the best. Narcissism can lead to selfishness and self-absorption. This is bad! Ashley Merryman, an award-winning journalist and co-author of two New York Times best-sellers stated that, “Scientists have found that extravagant, universal praise, whether a verbal “You’re a genius!” or tangible trophies, can lead to narcissism.” Now days, kids just expect participation rewards. Some people think that because of this children just don't try …show more content…

Some people may say that we need to give our children participation awards so it raises their self-esteem. Ashley says differently, ‘Researchers have since debunked the self-esteem myth.” She also says, “Studies have further shown that when kids know they’re getting an award they subsequently lose interest in the activity.” This will incentivise your kids not to try in anything they do. This is basically like pandering your kids and they will never become successful this

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