Critical Analysis Of Rebecca Webber's 'The Real Narcissist'

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Rebecca Webber’s “The Real Narcissist,” explains how narcissism is often mischaracterized to label people we find unfavourable or happen to upset us, when it is actually a trait that helps a person view themselves in more positive light. She uses a clear, persuasive voice and takes an ethical approach with logical explanations to help distinguish the differences between healthy narcissism and pathological narcissism, and the potential causes of the actual disorder. Referring to certified experts and real-life, situational examples to assist her claims, Webber does an adequate job in solidifying her points. However, as she progresses through her article, she only relies on professionals to speak on the behalf of narcissists, without considering to use the …show more content…

According to Webber, narcissists are normal people victimized by “an overused label”; in fact, narcissists have healthy egos who “happen to indulge in the occasional selfie, and talk about their accomplishments” (Webber 54). She strategically organizes the quotes of many experts to give a more favourable sense of the word, clarifying that narcissism not only makes people feel good about themselves, but it also boosts confidence and helps individuals “take risks, like seeking a promotion or asking out an attractive stranger” (Webber 55). She also makes the persuasive point that individuals are more narcissistic in their earlier years of adulthood, making an ethical observation that “young adulthood is a time when people are largely free of responsibilities, either to their family of origin or the family they will eventually establish” (Webber 60, 61). These are the times when people are free to pursue an independent life and make independent decisions without the restraints of family to hold them back. Although narcissism is a natural part of an individual’s personality, Webber does point out that, too much of it can become a

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