Why Do Guns Should Be Outlawed

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Guns today are seen as horrible creations. To most families in america, guns are a taboo subject. Most Americans feel as if though guns should be outlawed. What people fail to realize is that guns aren’t bad! Guns are good for the country, and the community. The Bill of Rights are amendments that, “guarantee a number of personal freedoms”. The Bill of Rights was drafted to give the citizens of this great country personal freedoms which no government power can take away, unless under special circumstances. What is really important, and great about the right to bear arms, is the fact that it is the second amendment. The first being the right to free speech, religion, and press etc. This means that the founding fathers prioritized the right to bear arms. There is a reason why the right to bear arms is the second amendment and not the 10th. People need to have the right to defend themselves …show more content…

In fact, a study conducted at Harvard University showed that, “the more guns a nation has the less crime it tends to have. In other words, there is a very strong positive correlation between more guns and less crime. This is the exact opposite of what the mainstream media would have us believe, but it makes sense. You see, the reality is that criminals really, really, really don't want to get shot.” (18 Little known gun facts). As stated in the quote, criminals just don’t want to get shot. In a country with more gun owners, the crime rate significantly drops as a result of more people having the means of self defense. The same article also states, “The places with the highest crime rates are the major cities where strict gun control laws have been passed.” (18 L.K.G.F.). When people have firearms, the country is a much safer place. Criminals think more of their actions and their outcomes, and decide not to mess with someone who owns and is carrying a firearm on their

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