Why College Isn T For Everyone Analysis

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Many people find the higher education a child receives, the higher the amount of money he or she will earn. Others find it is a waste of time and money to go to college after high school because of all the loans they would have to make up for after college. Many people have different point of views regards to the importance of college. In the articles Is College Worth It? and Why College Isn’t for Everyone, Leonhardt and Matthews have different opinions on the importance of college. Leonhardt argues that college is worth it because one who earns a college degree will be financially stable in the end, while Matthews believes that college isn’t for everyone because of the high-cost teenagers and adults will encounter when it comes to tuitions and fees. Leonhardt believes college is worth it because there is a greater benefit for a college graduate will have. “Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree.” Leonhardt makes a good point that college is worth it because college graduates are financially stable than those without a degree. College graduates make a whole lot more of money than a high school graduate. Matthews, on the other hand, believes that a college graduate don’t make more money than a high school graduate, according to a …show more content…

Leonhardt believes it is a smart decision to go to college because it increases the amount of money a person will earn if they earn a college degree. However, Matthews is discouraging readers that college is not really a smart decision because of the loans they have to make up. He also argues that college graduates don’t make more money than a high school graduate. Getting a college degree is important for teenagers and adults in order to have a greater success, more money he or she will earn, and most importatntly, more knowledge he or she will

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