Why College Is Important To Me

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A college degree represents the American dream to many families, including mine, that believe that it can open the door to a world full of opportunities. Since I first came to the United States my main concern has always been my education and how it could impact my future, however, college has completely changed my expectations for life and also the way I live life. As a result of the challenges and the experiences I have faced in college, I have changed in the following three ways: balance, prioritization, and vulnerability.
First, it is extremely important to signal the significance of balancing my work in college. Taking close to six classes a semester was a challenge especially due to all the assignments that are sent by the teachers daily, but it certainly helped me learn how to multitask. I find it helpful to work in multiple homework at the same …show more content…

Trying to achieve my best, not only in my education but also in my personal life, sometimes I forget that as a human being I will never be perfect and end up hurting myself more. I went through extremely difficult times trying to adjust myself to the School for Advanced Studies which requires me to take both college classes as well as advanced placement high school courses, but it was not until I bursted into tears during a family vacation that I realized that by trying to be the best in everything I was pushing myself too far. Each experience I have had in college helped me furthermore understand that my wellbeing comes before any expectation or goals, because I would rather end up with no accomplishments than with any type of mental illness due to all the pressure and stress that classes can put on me. I was raised with the ideology that only I have the power to change my life, and through my education I have come to the realization that if I one day want to be successful I have to take care of myself before

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