Why Cheating Is Wrong

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We are all taught that at an early age that cheating is not okay, yet we persist. As children, cheating was usually seen in games with friends, but as teenagrs and adults, it has a whole new meaning. Teenagers face a high increased amount of stress while growing up, attempting to impress their friends, family, peers and teachers by getting the best grades, doing well in sports, and overall, by thriving in every aspect of their life. Society paints an image that the perfect well rounded teen must be active in sports, fine arts, as well as academics and be active in community, friend, and family life. The teens of modern day have little to no downtime to themselves and struggle to find a balance. When they are facing a struggle, procrastination gets the best of them and they seek the easy way out. This is where cheating plays a role in our daily lives. …show more content…

When she didn't understand the problem but had no time to speak to the teacher, the right thing to do in her mind was to ask her best friend, Hayley, for her answers. It didn't affect her much because she received full points and was still doing well in the class. It was up until one day in high school that this periodic cheating would take place. One day, Anna’s teacher approached both her and Haley and asked to speak with them after class. The teacher said that she had began to notice a pattern of the same answers that Anna and Hayley received as correct or incorrect on multiple worksheets, and she came to them both asking for a clear explanation. Both of the girls fessed up to collaborating on answers, and the teacher was not having it. She asked that they both would cease cheating on homework from now on out, and on the last six assignments, they both received a zero. The teacher hoped that this would teach the two girls a lesson to do their own work and put in effort as to better understand the topics they were working

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