The Difficult Truth

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What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is a tool that can be used in any aspect of life, a process of thinking that is developed through attentive reasoning. Critical thinking is a mental process that needs to be learned in order to effectively understand and correctly interpret information. The ability to read is just as important as the ability to understand what is being read. Critical thinking is used to thoroughly understand what is being read and can also be used with spoken words. Understanding if information is accurate and understanding the purpose of the argument are both major parts of critical thinking. The first step in understanding if the information presented is accurate is to discover if the source is reliable and scholarly. The next step would be to understand fallacies of argument. Understanding the types of fallacies will also aid in understanding the purpose of the argument. Fallacies of argument are false limitations in the argument and can be purposefully stated to aid ones argument or they can simply be a error by the author. Deliberate fallacies, if caught, automatically reduce the ability to argue points effectively. Once one part of an argument is found to be deliberately falsified, the rest of the argument lacks credibility. Erroneous fallacies can have the same impact on credibility as deliberate fallacies, but are more forgiving. Erroneous fallacies can occur when facts are used in the wrong context, conclusions are formed without correct process of events, or the arguer simply does not have enough evidence to support his or her argument. Fallacies occur in spoken and written communication because it would be impossible to be all knowing and to correctly articulate all information... ... middle of paper ... ...becomes especially true when the information is coming from a professional who should know what they are claiming. There is a lack in thinking for one’s self with the abundance of information at the touch of a button that technology has provided. Personal opinion has taken the place fact once held in society and scholarly information is hidden beneath the mounds of non-scholarly information available at a seconds notice. Society is face paced and lazier than any generation before, and it is easier to believe facts given to someone that for someone to actually spend time researching facts for clarity and truth. If critical thinking is used properly, fallacies of argument would not work because the listener or reader would be aware fallacies exist, and the writer or speaker would have the determination to configure thought and information properly and thoroughly.

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