Who Is He More Batman?

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Bruce Wayne is an American playboy, and is very wealthy due to him getting his parents money when they died, and he also ownes his family company Wayne Enterprises. At a young age Bruce saw both of his parents murdered right in front of him when they were walking home at night. When Bruce grew up he began to train himself in many ways. How to fight, use his gadgets and protect himself from criminals. He created a secret base for him to work in, and also a suit for him to wear while he was out. The reason for all this was the Bruce wanted vengeance and revenge for the death of his parents. He wanted to make a difference by stopping criminals. By Bruce doing this he created his alter ego the Batman as soon would have to see is he more Bruce or more Batman. Who really is Bruce Wayne, is he more Batman or is he more Bruce? …show more content…

At fist his reason for this was getting vengeance for their death, but after he had settled his score with that he became attached to Gotham and the people who lived there. He began putting on the mask for their sake as well as his because he wanted to protect his city and also the people that he loved and cared about. Bruce couldn’t see himself not being Batman. Only a few people knew that Bruce was the batman. He never was forced to reveal his mask, but he did for only a few people such as Detective Gordano and Rachel. Bruce never told them his name but he told them something that only they would know Bruce Wayne had said or

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